And here I invite Patxi Lopez, I know that it does not as a mere matter of political, to expose ethics were the talks between the PNV, Urkullu was in front, and the PSE-EE for the formation of Government in the Basque country because having them, had them. It would be revealing to know that the PNV put as unwaivable condition lehendakaritza, not the Ministry of Interior Basque, Basque Ranch and the Presidency of the Basque Parliament, and that, ultimately, even giving the Basque Ranch, with nuances, and the Presidency of the Basque Parliament, in reciprocity for the lehendakaritza Urkullu broke talks Yes, Yes, Urkullu, no PSE-EE, Urkullu -, because didn’t want to release any of the ways, the Basque Interior Ministry. Why? Well, I think that that has to answer him. It would be advisable, when writing things unintelligible and meaningless, as that link at the beginning of this article, stop to think what it is in reality the vaunted Basque conflict, who is believed that exists and, of course, who feeds the belief of its existence and for what. P.S. My deepest sympathy to the relatives and friends of Eduardo Puelles Garcia, inspector of the national police information Brigade in Bilbao, who died to defend the Democracy for those who want to impose what they want through the pump, murder, kidnapping and extortion the least to the most, we are the majority..