Paulo Sciences

A time that this it happens, the objectives of the PCN are not reached, and the education of Sciences is yes engaged. To dribble this empecilho, as much of the laboratory lack, how much of the lack of resources it is necessary that the professor comes to enter into an alliance itself with the alternative materials, and to search in the diverse sources the distinct experimental activities that can be carried through with low cost, bringing for classroom and the pupils a theoretical approach and plus a book not only to be worked and total decided, but yes something more concrete, more interesting and that brings for the pupils an interest greater and a curiosity for the inquiry, allowing as soon as the pupil can be detainer of some type of scientific knowledge, beyond reaching the scientific alfabetizao, that is, to read phenomena that the fence. Based in all this quarrel we can conclude citing that it is of so great importance the accomplishment of the practical lessons becoming it indispensable during this phase of Basic Ensino, with this, in the experience of the school where the activities experimental they are little frequent, even so the professors continue believing that, by means of them, the education of Sciences can be changedded, the same one must be directed for the necessity of changes, to the brusque times, in the performance of the professors. Bibliographical references Daz, J.A.A., Alonso, A.V and But, M.A.M, ‘ ‘ Woollen paper Educacin CTS en joins Technological Scientific Alfabetizacin y for all wools Personas’ ‘ , Magazine Electrnica de Enseanza of wools Sciences, v.2, n.2, 2003. BRAZIL, Secretariat of Basic Education.