Dmitri Eichorn

A good deal of envy may entail even positive aspects and entice people to actions which do not necessarily intend were. When Gisela it again must endure, that Susanne had to appear again with new ankle boots in the Office. What Gisela will inaugurate over a cup of coffee during the labor, Charlotte minor Office over the phone, as Susanne again proved no taste in selecting their footwear. I’m sure that Gisela and Charlotte to be set as soon as possible new shoes “must”. Better, more beautiful and expensive as the ugly ones that now every day (he) must enter Susanne.

Even if must Gisela and Charlotte take that overtime in purchase or give up anything important. How works the competition between us. We would simply have more and be better than the others. More leisure, more waste, more money. On the other hand, we are disappointed, when the competition is lost. It nargt on the soul and pushes us to new ways to go. To break us out of the comfort zone.

This can be very beneficial and personal development give a boost. Also why I think I’ve noticed personally, that the Germans are also averse talking about money, because most have simply no plan. The Germans have saving perfectly under control. In this respect, they are world champions. But when it comes to investing money, mostly dead pants there is! Inflation! Deflation! Compounding effect! Shares! Stock market! Dividend! What is it all for a works of the devil? Of course, there are very financially very well informed people in Germany. I still think that the majority of the population has simply no plan. No plan of how money and the economic relationships work together. So I invite all interested, here to talk about the MoosParade about money (anonymously). Comments, opinions, questions, etc. are welcome. Because money is so important and essential that must be talked about just! Dmitri Eichorn