Capitalist Methodology

The author comments to be difficult, therefore, the current marketing necessity created a thought and consumista and capitalist methodology to create and to act, as much in design, as in the one communication general way. The city of Rio De Janeiro, in 1992 hosted Conferencia of United Nations on the Environment and Development, Echo, with it we had thematic the ambient one for the first time as center of guideline and interests in the agenda international politics. according to Manzini, (2008, p.21) even so already known of all problematic and me the use of the natural resources, never had on the part of the interests politicians such priority to be debated and consequentemente the population in the same way does not prioritize front to other emergent problems of the economic, educational branch among others factors being only restricted such boarding the momentary ambient disasters. However the advance of science and new technologies and statistical capacities to predict the emergent future of ambient degradation, brought tona for all the society the real conscience of the situation of the environment since its explosion in the age of the industrial revolution. The production and wild consumption in a well-being idea that promotes the fast growth demographic it brings the ambient problem not only, as well as cultural partner aggravating the social inaquality.

' ' Since then to develop and to conserve have been one of the biggest paradoxes with which the humanity has of conviver' '. (CASAGRANDE, 2004) ' ' The problem is that what was made so far, in the reality, it did not place in quarrel the current economic and social paradigms. Consequentemente, the basic lines of the economy social politics and still direct the system in the opposing direction to sustentabilidade.' ' (MANZINI, 2008 p.26) Still inside of this paradox, &#039 is necessary to be cliente of the existence of the call effect; ' boomerang' ' , that is, an unexpected event that had to a gamma of factors, the choices considered positive in the context of the support, does not produce resulted waited, in contrast, the problem remains.