Brazil Women

(1996, p.58) However the education in this period was of certain form accomodated in the mentioned positivistas agreements already. HAIDAR (1972.p.247), according to detaches that education was come back toward the development of the retrograde brain of the woman, then the woman ideas that permeavam the society were of if approaching to the mentality of the man. Michelle Perrot (1988), mentioning the French society to it ' ' To the man, the wood and the metals. To the woman, the family and the fabrics ' ' (p.178). These conceptions completed the plan of studies ' ' lessons of Civilizao' ' in the French society, analyzing these inserted models for the positivismo in the education an agreement is gotten of that it forms properly structuralized the schools in Brazil and in Rio Grande Do Sul. POLITICS and Intent WORK for the period of the Old Republic the relation of the woman in the politics and the Work, that in turn was not seen for the men well, certifies it document more important of this time according to Mayan Peter To sound (1980, p.127). It becomes related ' ' Dilogos' ' , enclosed by vol.

the Ramalhete or Flores chosen in the garden of the imagination, authorship of Ana Eurdice Eufrasina de Barandas. Writings in 1837, this text accurately defends the participation of the women in the debate then politician. It says in the introduction: ' ' They had begun the men to cry out high and powerfully against the poor women (that they more did not make than to follow its example), that they there with its were very badly done putting itself politics, and I do not know mais' ' (BARANDAS, 1845, p.51, Apud TO SOUND p.127). The text of Ana de Barandas surprises for the intensity and the contemporaneidade, ' ' Dilogos' ' they are stopped enters the Mariana young woman, its cousin Alfredo and its father Humberto.