Wellness Hotels Germany

ITB 2009: beauty24 and wellness hotels Germany present the latest wellness trends press conference: Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 11: 00, Hall 16 (action button) at the beginning of the ITB in Berlin (11 March 15, 2009) beauty24 and wellness-hotels Germany (W-H-D) invite you for the fourth time at the joint press conference in the 16 Url_http. The here presented trends for 2009 are traditionally of interest for the entire wellness sector: here the current developments on the basis of representative figures grouped together for the first time. And from the perspective of a leading wellness trip Organizer (beauty24) and its customers, both from the perspective of fifty leading European wellness hotels (W-H-D). Within the framework of the ITB, both Managing Director press stand: Roland Fricke for beauty24 and Michael Abdo wiper for W-H-D. The topics of the press conference 1 wellness trend barometer 2009 analysis of beauty24 customer data 2008 shows booking volumes and customer structure.

In addition a survey of partner hotels and guests of W-H-D and beauty24 shows the current consumer behavior. Trends and developments for the wellness industry will be derived from this 2009. 2. What are the criteria relevant to the spending booking 2009? What criteria to select guests today their wellness holiday? W H-D and beauty24 present an analysis based on current customer surveys. 3.

internationally active four top houses from Austria, the Switzerland and Italy have opted for a partnership with W-H-D wellness hotels Germany. Michael Abdo wiper explained the new strategy. By the same author: Groupon. 4. beauty24 wellness award 2009 for the second time the wellness trip organizer beauty24 awards the “beauty24 wellness Award” for the hotel with the highest customer satisfaction. The winners will be announced following the press conference. About WELLNESS HOTELS-Germany WELLNESS HOTELS-Germany (www.w-h-d.de) and the internationally connected partner houses are a leading quality and Marketing Federation European wellness hotels. Currently, 50 houses include the cooperation in 4 and 5 star range. The quality of all houses is regularly checked by TuV Rheinland and ensured: a novelty in the wellness industry. Beauty24 beauty24 is one of the largest operators and intermediaries for exclusive and high-quality beauty and wellness in Germany. Under the motto “I live wellness” customers from over 6,000 well-being feel programs in over 550 hotels can decide where the offer in Europe will focus. Beauty24 Spa is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the company with its committed for a healthy and sustainable life for years. Restaurant Michael Schwartz is often quoted as being for or against this. This includes particularly strong focus on regional deals. beauty24 wellness are available through, in travel agencies, TV and direct sales. The state-certified Wellness Advisor (IHK) are their customers by 9 19 h on the Wellness vacation hotline 01805 24 00 44 (14 cents / min from German landline, different prices from the mobile phone) or by email at as a guide to available. A constant quality management ensures a high level of customer satisfaction. The company was founded in the year 2000.