
Gruntuem base. If the work will be used tile adhesive, then, to prevent it from soaking in surface after drying the alignment layer on it is applied primer. -The old surface must be thoroughly checked for strength and presence of defects with a hammer, a nail or chisel through certain intervals. While eliminating damage uneven floor is recommended to use recovery solution, and surface defects corrected with the leveling of the solution. -When laying ceramic tiles on surface, tiled, check the existing siding with a hammer. Finding loose fitting, extending from the tile surface, re-glue them, or remove and fill the voids recovery solution. With such installation is very important to choose a special glue.

-When recovering tile on painted surfaces, you must first check them. Peeling paint or swollen to scrape. To increase adhesion, perform surface scoring. Next> stage is the pre-marking the walls, for how you will look like a wall after raboty.Est lovers pazdelyat half nonintegral tile and ofopmlyat rearrangement of surfaces. Ha I think this is unaesthetic and yes even . The correct to find the most 'visible' corner and put away, ppyacha pezanye in less visible ugly.Vnachale lay out everything you can lay out the whole tiles, and then you can deal with trimming. Pruning (incomplete tiles) are measured individually, because of uneven walls, irregular geometry of the room, etc. tile sizes can vary significantly along the length of the series. Cut the tiles to the size you want is not always easy, especially for floor tile varieties.