Global Success

The new success of the Globe that comes reaching records in the hearing peaks is the Fine Novel Print, produced and shown for the Net Globe of Television and had its estreia in 22 of August of 2011, the novel estreou with average of 41 points with peaks of 44 and comes more increasing each day arriving to consolidate 47 points favours the involving plot that show the fight of two classrooms, the nobleman and esnobe Teresa Cristina, and the Griselda Warrior, more known as Pereiro. All we know that the success of Fine Print is undisputed, and with the power of the success it obtained to alavancar the noble schedule of novels of the Globe, that until then came in complete decay. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Jimmy Carr by clicking through. Agnaldo Silva, author of the tram obtains to move in the imaginary one of the people, which the woman who did not want to earn in the lottery and to turn millionaire the night pro day and to find its soul twin. The public folloies each time more the summary of novels to know what he will go to happen with Griselda and Tereza Cristina. Details can be found by clicking Jim Rogers or emailing the administrator. Still he lacks one three novel months and the fans of Fine Print he will not go if to unglue of the TV.

Society and Employment

Today we come across in them ahead of the fast changes that the society has passed in these last years, observes a movement of questioning and rescue of values and of felt of the life, ahead of a individualizada and desumanizante society. The world of the work also passes for this crisis of values and direction, in way that are portraied by diverse signals, such as: increase of the related occupational illnesses to the mental health (former. it estresse, depression, burnout), the increase of the unemployment and under employment, the obsession for the performance and the profit, as well as for the biggest interest of the area of Management of People for practical as quality of life in the work, strategies of humanizao of management, social responsibility, concern with satisfaction in the work, among others. Today, if it searchs is I balance in the personal and professional life. ' ' The companies not only want executives balanced in the profession. To be efficient, she is necessary well to be decided in the life, if not, what it left there is it starts to intervene with the creativity and produo.' ' Ahead of this reality, it inside developed a methodology of resgaste of the values, principles, moral, with a process of individual development aiming at a bigger humanizao of the being, for a bigger happiness resulting in a bigger production in all the directions: Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual, inside of this reality the company will be offering to its services the organizations; beyond this basic aspect for a good Management, the Company needed to develop the human being internally, therefore it is the conducting Real of the process, lining up its necessities and values to the one of the Company. Balanced and harmonized people produce better resulted. The result of the company is generated by the people who in it work.

Region Space Organization

The term region is not part of linguajar of the common man, as well as it is of most traditional in geography. For the author all the region concepts can be used by the gegrafos, therefore all they are half to know the reality, since that it is adjusted to the intentions that we explicitamos (p.22-23) 2,0 – natural Region and ambient determinismo 2.1- In the first decades of century XIX geographic science was stimulated by the ambient determinismo, one of its main chains of thought, one of the dominant concepts was of natural region. (p.23) 2.2- …

Koppen relates to a combination or integration enclosing heterogeneous elements of the nature. One is about a division supported in the temperature and the precipitation, establishing climatic regions, according to Koppen the natural and more complex region, (p.24) 2.3- … Herbertson, on the basis of the climate and in the relief, and considering the vegetation, divides the natural, distinct surface of the Land in 6 types and 15 subtypes that do not present space contiguidade, and 57 regions of the first ones for presenting this continuity (p.24) 2.4 – Herbertson, Dryer and others, as the basic element of the nature. It does not remain doubt of that the space variation of the types of climate is data important to understand the differentiation of the occupation human being on the surface of the Land … (p.25) 2.5 – … the interested parties in the systematic study of different natural ecosystems or region modified by the man has throughout it dust, a boarding that was not considered by the deterministas gegrafos when they had studied.