Right Muscles

The right arm fully extended and the dumbbell "hangs" on her like a rope. Right shoulder a little left out. ECRI is the source for more interesting facts. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, tense your back muscles and rear of the delta and pull dumbbell straight up. Try to raise the dumbbell as high as possible. Once the elbow is on the shoulder level, connect to the movement of the shoulder – pull it up with his elbow. This will minimize the middle of the back muscles and the upper part of the broadest. Try to keep the dumbbell at the top a few seconds. Exhale and slowly lower the dumbbell.

After working all repetitions per set for the right side, do the same reps for the left side. This will be one set. Tips initial effort should be really powerful. Otherwise, you will not be able to raise the arm above shoulder level, and therefore you will not achieve the maximum reduction in involved muscles. Raising operating leverage, do not immerse the opposite shoulder. Your task – maintaining a fixed back, simply pull the shoulder up. This is a very short movement. Do not try to lengthen, turning all the body around the axis of the spine.

So you only reduce the load on the target muscle. If you can not raise the elbow above the shoulder, grab a lighter dumbbell. Remember: The higher the elbow above the shoulder, the more reduced latissimus dorsi, and the middle part trapezoid and rhomboid muscles. The torso should always be parallel to the floor and back is slightly bend at the waist.