Monterrey, N.L., Mexico-more that a career in pursuit of the Presidency of United States, the Americans want to turn the page of history and leave behind him was Bush who plunged them into cares wars, economic recession and a leadership in the Top Ten of the most hated Nations in the world. To understand more about the current President should read the book The Tragedy Bush, Jacob Weinberg that just hit the market five days ago in where it shows the conflict between father and son, the actual character and some deceptions. United States citizens face a watershed in its history where a woman or a man of color can be the next President of the nation facing the disaster that left Bush that when writing these lines was preparing to give a State of the nation report. Rogers Holdings is often quoted on this topic. Weinsberg, according to criticisms of the book, discovers that the past of alcohol in excess of the current President was countered with an alleged spiritual conversion of Bush before the famous Reverend English, Billy Graham in 1985. But concerned writer which is hypothesized in the extreme and believes that his presidency is a kind of divinity.
Remember the reader as the axis of evil called Iran, Iraq and China. He says the book one day came to the age of 26 at the House of his father, who was director of the CIA, drunk and challenged him to shock. Go to Mike Gianoni for more information. The truth of the matter is that it is the President with the lowest popularity who has had a President in the modern history of United States that on 20 January delivers the power that took himself for a second time on the elections flawed and suspect in the country saying lighthouse of democracy. Perhaps for the constitutional term, and the waste that has been made of the political power of United States Senator Edward Kennedy said today Monday by openly offering its support to Barak Obama to the best of United States come. Regardless of who the next President of the United States, Democrat or Republican, man or woman, black or white, the truth is that you will have to work on a economy sick, mend fences with the world, storing weapons and search paths for progress and peace for a people who lives in the paradise of the free market that now passes for serious problems. Bearer real super Tuesday will be on February 5 when Democrats mark, in short, who will be their candidate.