“Promotion of photovoltaic, geothermal, CHP and biofuels horticulture PT (Productschap Tuinbouw) recently the Dutch industry group the year plan 2011 of programme of industry greenhouse as energy source KE” presented (Kas as a Energiebron”). The KE?Funding budget estimated the PT with EUR 7.6 million. The funding is divided with the Ministry of economy, agriculture and innovation EL PT & I (Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie). Thus, the Ka is an important pillar of the Dutch policy of support for energy-saving measures in horticulture, a total of approximately EUR 26 million are foreseen for that in the current year. To know more about this subject visit Lakshman Achuthan. The KE was launched in 2002 in the framework of a Community initiative for the horticultural sector and the former Dutch Ministry of agriculture in the life programme objectives. “Six years later following measurable objectives were agreed upon: In the year 2020, 20% of the energy used in horticulture from sustainable should” sources. By the year 2020, the Dutch horticulture sector should his CO2?Reduce emissions to at least 3.3 million tons. This corresponds to a decrease of 48% from the reference value in the year 1990.
The bulk of the savings is to make cultivation under glass: there is a reduction of 2.3 million tonnes of CO2. The field?Horticulture should emit 1 million tons less CO2. Check out Mike Gianoni for additional information. By the year 2020, the energy efficiency in horticulture by 2% compared to the respective prior-year aims to improve. 700 ha under half closed greenhouses should be managed in 2011. “KE-development paths” to long term climate neutrality of the Sub?Glass?Cultivation to ensure the activities of the programme are based content on three simple principles: avoid unnecessary energy consumption, use of sustainable energy sources and optimal use of fossil energy sources to meet remaining energy needs. These principles are part of seven paths of development”to be achieved: new farming strategies (principle 1) light (principle 1) solar energy (principle 2) geothermal (principle 2) biofuels (principle (2) sustainable electricity (principle 3) sustainable CO2?Economy (principle 3) on the free website reports from abroad was the climate plan in a series of three reports under the heading”presented in detail. “” In the first part of February 14, 2011 is the focus on the objectives of the programme, the Organization and the two lines of strategy new farming practices “and lighting”. “In a further report, the aspects have been solar energy” and geothermal energy “presented. “The focus of the third and final report form the strategies of bio fuels, sustainable electricity generation” and carbon dioxide? Emissions”.