Moscow Capital

If you need a change, it needs to be done before any reorganization, or directly after it. 4) You must also pay attention to the formation of capital. There are two methods: Method 1. Placement of shares to shareholders of the reorganized entity. The authorized capital is mainly due to their own funds, which has restructured the organization. Shareholders' funds include – additional capital and retained earnings. With regard to the authorized capital of the reorganized legal entity remains unchanged.

Method 2. Transfer of shares being reorganized commercial or non-profit organization devoted to the shares of legal persons. This operation is carried out in the case, if there is a shortage of own funds (capital or additional retained earnings of the reporting period). 5) Notification of creditors – is mandatory. It is necessary that the notice was published in the media. For example, in Moscow is a special edition, which publishes such announcements.

In turn, credit companies may, in writing, to demand compensation for all losses and commitments before the deadline. 6) is reorganizing the company must give everything to the tax authority in the place of its registration. – When you split an organization ceases its activities and on its basis is formed several new entities. In this process, consider the following points: 1) With the reorganization of the company by separating the Russian legislation does not prohibit the reorganization by mixing. 2) It is as necessary report on the reorganization of firms in the antimonopoly authorities. 3) In the process of restructuring legislation permits the separation of a mixed manner. This reorganization is a convenient and cost-effective, 4) The composition and founders of companies, as well as in the allocation process can not change. This can happen either before the reorganization process, or immediately after, and 5) The law sets minimum capital the reorganization of the company. 6) With regard to creditors, as well as in the selection process they should devote to appear and give the reorganization of this ad in print publishing.