Martin Glogger

a meaningful task that vision the world-wise visionary Martin Glogger describes as a main source of meaning, joy and good feelings in his book “competence network – why?”. What is the vision basically… We create an environment in which people can feel really, that the human spirit and common sense can optimally unfold in the. People, can benefit in the best an environment in which people best develop their essence from the skills, experience and knowledge of their fellow human beings. We make free again towards the natural energy source of life, by promoting the natural desire of people to a task that takes all his forces to complete and which grow beyond him in the truest sense about themselves.

To do this, we need to tackle the following main causes of our social problems: our old systems and rules that do not create real wealth more (firm hierarchies, representative democracy,…) We absolutely new systems and rules that give people the freedom to follow their hearts and encourage them at the same time to always take really responsibility for themselves and the company will need more simple activities of our computer-controlled machines much more cost effective and reliable running than we can afford the people so we must do everything that people can carry out the tasks, never meet the machines, for example, fully flexible thinking, be loving, autodidactic learning, understand people with their worries and woes, solve problems, and much more. tic response will follow. Other leaders such as scholarship program offer similar insights. the demand for bulk products in our society is greatly diminished it comes to promoting the own sense of each person so that he can develop individual needs and find new tasks. Headstrong and self-certain people will form the basis for many individual products, services & projects. If we eliminate these root causes, we are in the course of time solve the following core problems of our society: many millions of people survive on government handouts and must give sense to their lives (keyword: mass unemployment) huge debts (officially about 2000 billion state debt), which continues to grow and the associated indebtedness that devalues our earnings, assets and pensions our savings (many trillion) were awarded by the bankers, politicians and managers of other heavily indebted Nations, so that we can buy bulk products like machinery, cars and tools on pump and so industrial jobs need to be created artificially or get many millions of people do every month high tax and social security contributions due to the many unresolved problems in society (approx.