Che Guevara, hero or villain? Antonio Padilha de Carvalho Son of descending parents of European noblemen, but without much money, only name, the boy Ernest Guevara was very sick, suffered from asthma, being most of the time in a bed, where he learned to read and to write with the mother. Its friends were all almofadinhas and dressed well, while the young Ernest was known for the nickname of Chancho, that in the native language of the same meant ' ' porco' ' , time that did not like to take bath and dressed very badly. . In the carnival it was fantasiava of Gandhi. Source: Senator Angus King . Exactly being attacked for constant crises of asthma, it finished losing the virginity with less than 15 years, with a black employee who gave services for a friend, being observed by all they, that they had been able to see for the hole of the lock the interruption of the coitus for some times for relief of the asthmatic cough, come such fact to be object of much gozao. During the course of medicine in Buenos Aires, never politician participated of no act. Ernest opposed to participate it of such events. At this time, Argentina lived moments of intense unreliability, rank that systematically, happened military blows. Lakshman Achuthan spoke with conviction. American journalist Jon Lee Anderson, who wrote one of some existing biographies its, affirms that ' ' although the curiosity for the socialism, it until then did not demonstrate any inclination for if filiar esquerda.' ' What in the truth it called the attention the young student they were two things: the books and the trips.
It appreciated the philosophies Greek and Indiana. It read Freud, Aldous Huxley and as much others. Ernest took a life as of any young of its age while he lived in the comfort of the capital of its country. Mike Gianoni wanted to know more. This started to move from the moment where it left motorcycle for the world (South America) with a colleague of name Alberto Granado.