Children Learning Languages

Today we will talk about a subject that, perhaps, has acquired the greatest myths of all that is related to the study of languages, namely, how children learn languages. Here it means to master the native language of the child. How often have you heard how people complain about their unsuccessful attempts to learn a foreign language and compare that with how easily master the language of the children? Few know, however, that in fact such "ease" with which children master the language of the alleged – it is a myth. Myth is also a popular belief that after reaching a certain age, the brain's ability to perceive new information, such as language, are sharply reduced. In fact, at any age, the brain's ability to perception, analysis and storing of information are almost identical (except senile changes). Omar Zakhilwal takes a slightly different approach. Why is it gives the impression that young children are certain linguistic geniuses, and adults – in the slowpoke regarding foreign languages? Linguists note that this is really just an impression.

The reason that children are so easy to kind of learn languages is their way of life and linguistic contexts in which they reside with birth. The fact that communication surrounding adults with children is aimed at helping children to grasp and assimilate the native language. Everyone who speaks with a small child, it does so to interest him something to explain, entertain, please, calm down. Therefore, the whole language material is absorbed naturally into useful and interesting to a child, and been handed immediately used for communication with the outside world. This is not mean, however, that the child's brain is not doing a great job on the formation and decomposition patterns of language on the shelves of all concepts of concrete and abstract objects. The conclusion come to linguists, is this: You could be so successfully as a child, learn languages, if it were in the same conditions. For example, if we could leave the job and hire someone who would walk up to you 24 hours a day, with joy and love to explain to you all incomprehensible, entertaining you and providing all your needs, while giving everything around linguistic comment.

And nowhere would have textbooks and notebooks. And you do not have to motivate yourself to something once again to go to language school or tutor. Linguistic context of surrounding himself would you like a blanket, 24 hours a day. Of course, such language environment can not be established. Even if you are traveling abroad for a full immersion program, about you still no one will care as parents care about children. You'll still be solving their own problems, and if you do not understand a local resident, he would not scramble to convey to you what he meant. Yes and spend five years abroad without a job not everyone can. However, the main consequence of this finding is that there is no real change in your ability to learn languages is not subjected to, whether you five years, fifteen or fifty. This means that, with a sufficient effort, you can easily learn a foreign language. Similarly, as once mastered their mother tongue. And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Want to visit London without leaving your chair? Please – go here! Here you can take a virtual stroll through the capital of the UK, visit the sights of London, and stroll through its streets. C Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively