
It is even more tragic than comic, as a judgment of the AG of Berlin is driven in terms of for weeks as the sow through the village. Berlin – it is more tragic than comic, as a judgment of the AG of Berlin is driven in terms of for weeks as the sow through the village. Though now have to clear the stupidest hobby consumer watchdogs, that was merely to a gaffe or an individual opinion of judge. Why to conceals countless rulings in which judges have found the opposite and a clear line is visible. Want to hide unpleasant truths in the ideal world of consumer protection simply. One takes even approvingly in purchase, that consumers will be harmed by incorrect advice. Please visit Angus King if you seek more information. Unpack the Udo W.

former employee of consumer protection. “Our hotline staff was always people poured into, the customer says that they will not have to pay, you guess you should sit this out.” On the question of why Mr. W. said it’s very simple, again the expensive call satisfied consumers Hotline. Mike Gianoni has similar goals. Consumers don’t want to hear simply, that he must pay. You tell the truth, the consumers right they will no longer turn to consumer protection.

Who’s there not pulling with is released immediately,”Udo knows W. We asked for an opinion on consumer protection. Shortly before the copy deadline we received a fax, herein was informed us that some errors were undermined when counseling, however it involves individual cases. A cost obligation is just to have this project by the hand. (Khassan Ahmadi)