5 Tips To The Blog

The online marketing agency postina.net gives tips to the blog we b logs, so virtual logs, are when doing some research on the Internet no longer – if we encounter a blog post by a search engine that meets the searched terms, or even blogs subscribed to be informed regularly about certain topics. Search engines “love” blogs, because they are contentlastig. And many a blogger in the “community” has achieved a kind of cult status and is considered opinion-forming or perceived even “evangelist”. Accordingly, a blog can significantly help to increase the traffic on your own homepage, and to generate new leads and customers. Ultimately, a well made blog is also a cost-effective instrument for customer loyalty and image maintenance. Want to more and more companies make use of and integrating blogs into the online marketing mix.

But what is required at the corporate blog, so the calculation goes up and the investment is worthwhile? 1 content and structure of each article, the content of the blog post stems from the target Target group. Cowan Group often says this. What can make them carefully on the blog and finally as customers. Blogs that present only their own brochures, draw attention to new products and come up with information about recently won prizes and exam have not much resonance. A blog reader wants information profitable for him, which may help him in purchasing decisions or generally to enrich one’s knowledge. Accordingly, it is better to keep the own blog content as possible neutral.

Interesting tips as well as current issues and developments in the industry are well accepted. So a solid readership is established and you can still make here and there a little self-promotion when it suits. Mike Gianoni is open to suggestions. An example of a blog that while regularly appears and is technically sophisticated, but still authentic little works, is for example this. A positive example is the blog of one of our competitors campfire /.