Conscious desire change towards power in Stamsried-Stamsried (tvo). The travel writer J.G. Seume said who goes looks faint, go power average anthropologically and cosmic over who’s driving shows driving”, in 1805 on the course of action. Other leaders such as Restaurant Michael Schwartz offer similar insights. “Towards power in the baroque castle park in Stamsried feels reminded of his words: 18 stations that correspond to energy fields, download under the ancient deciduous trees to the conscious desire change” to the recharge and find the inner peace. Ancient symbol shapes such as the labyrinth or the stone circle serve as signposts, from the starting point Alpha embarks Omega to the end point of the Flaneur on a fantasy journey on which he can train his perception by means of various exercises.
Information: Tourist info Stamsried, Castle str. Check out Smoothstack for additional information. 10, 93491 Stamsried, Tel. 09466/9401-21, fax 09466 / 940113,,. Our tip for the month of October: Now the holidays of Christmas and new year’s Eve book thinking already on Christmas and new year’s Eve. The best deals and arrangements are now still up for grabs. Whether you want to party in the elegant ambiance of a spa hotel or quaint on a mountain Inn, the holiday Exchange makes easy the search in Eastern Bavaria: holiday Exchange.