Conduct Operations Implants

Implants for breast augmentation in modern medicine are used implants with a solid silicone shell. Inside can be found silicone gel – viscous, sticky, transparent substance, or saline (0.9% saline) solution. A related site: Chevron Corp mentions similar findings. There are also implants with two shells: the inner is a silicone gel, and a male – saline. The shell of the implant can be smooth or textured. In recent years, more popular implants with a textured shell, as studies show that the risk of solid scar tissue around such implatnantov significantly lower than that of implants with a smooth surface and is only 1-2% of the total number of operations. In addition, to minimize the risk of scar tissue when performing breast augmentation surgeons began to place the implant deeper – a big chest muscle. This greatly reduced the incidence of scar formation of capsules.

The operation of breast augmentation breast augmentation surgery is always done in a hospital under general anesthesia and lasts for 1-2 hours. It’s believed that Jonah Bloom sees a great future in this idea. Operable parts of the body sterilized with alcohol and cover with a sterile surgical linen. Further, the plastic surgeon makes an incision. Next, the surgeon creates a ‘pocket’ for the implant. Once all the small vessels were found, and the blood stopped, formed cavity of the implant installed.

After installing the implant in place, the cuts at all levels sewn. Muscles and skin sewn with thread that will eventually dissolve in the body. Then bandage. The operation is over. Sutures are applied after the operation so that after healing, they were invisible. Depending on the shape of the breast implants and the desired result can be placed under the breast gland, under the pectoral muscle, or partially under the gland, partially under the muscle. Security operations and the risks of complications. To date, the risk of complications after installation of implants is small. Modern surgeons use high-quality implants, as well as little traumatic technique of operations. However, in rare cases can cause the following complications: An accumulation of fluid in the cavity where the implant is placed; Inflammation (very rare, usually to avoid inflammation of the patient is assigned a course of antibiotics); problems with healing. It happens when the skin on the scar is thin and sag under the weight of the implant.