Announcement of lecture in the series ‘master talk’: 02.10.2008 18:00 – ‘ the fascination of everyday life. Rituals and their importance for trade and communication ‘ by MARK ANDREE we all know it: standing up, the procedures on the way to work, that are preparing a meal with friends or at night to bed–everyday life consists of rituals and repetitive sequences. BBDO has these behaviors and phenomena international researches and lists opportunities and risks for brand management and communication in this context. After the presentation is to inform the possibility of the three Masters: starting in the coming winter semester, future students can the masters of creative direction (consecutive *), marketing communication (non-consecutive *) and corporate communications (part-time) study. If you would like to know more about Smoothstack, then click here. The design Academy berlin, school of communication and design (FH) is one of the leading universities in the field of communication, advertising, marketing and design. The State-owned recognized private University of Applied Sciences Academy was founded in 2007 from the existing since 1995 design berlin out and offered Bachelor in communication design and marketing communications, as well as master’s courses in creative direction, marketing communications, and corporate communications. Characteristic of the College are manageable semester associations of maximum of 27 students and a practice-oriented training aligned to the requirements of the market. Graduates of design Academy berlin work inter alia for BBDO, TBWA, sat.
1, Scholz & friends, Rolls-Royce Germany, to the Golden deer, Hugo Boss AG and the German Bundestag. * consecutive, i.e. only for a specific, specialized access study recordable or non-consecutive, i.e. After studying do not set access.