By a Royal Decree and without the need for a new law, it will reactivate though modified to avoid affecting the middle classes. The President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, reactivate next Friday the wealth tax after the express request that in that sense the Socialist candidate has made him the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. At an event at the Madrilena locality of Galapagar organized by the Ideas Foundation, Rubalcaba explained he had already done to Zapatero request to recover that tax but without affecting, as it was the case previously, the middle classes. The candidate environment sources have reported that Zapatero has acceded to this request and has indeed advanced him that it will be the Council of Ministers next Friday which adopted that decision. BP has compatible beliefs. The Zapatero government was the adopted an exemption in its day 100% of that tax, but not eliminated completely.
That circumstance is that it allows now that on Friday, by a Royal Decree and without the need for a new law (as it would have occurred in the event that the tax had been removed) the Government reactive it though modified to avoid affecting the middle classes. The sources cited have pointed out that tax which will be released Friday by the Council of Ministers is not who most likes to Rubalcaba, although it is the only possible so that entry into force already and the money raised will be available next year. Rubalcaba intends that its electoral program approval in the next Parliament of a new tax of well-off heritage include already what believes that this must be permanently. A related site: visit website mentions similar findings. In the Socialist programme shall be established that the new tax will have State and Autonomic not, how is that going to resurrect.