
For example the well-known Tinder is one of many types of Polyporus can be found to the fungal family of boletes, (Polyporaceae) in the forests of Central Europe. To read more click here: Alan Carr. This tough-fleshy fungus settles with its fruiting bodies”on tree trunks. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jonah Bloom. With its genus (fomes) closely related to the genus of the actual Polyporus confronts us: Polyporus. The species of the genus Polyporus grow – like the Tinder – with their eccentric fruit bodies of wood. “There are not fruit of course” as we know they of flowering plants here, but that what we generally the fungus “call: A spore-diffusing body that arises from the extensively branched, microscopic fungal network (spawn).

The fungus”the actual Polyporus sprouts with its fruit body made of the wood of old or dead trees. The genus of Polyporus is worldwide. The best-known European representative is the calibration Hare (Polyporus umbellatus). See a grey, bushy clump at the foot of a Beech or oak, then have a calibration rabbit discovered. Through its partly considerable size up to a half a meter to the extent that, it is also difficult to overlook. The scaly Ovinus can become (Polyporus squamosus) almost as large. His huge, crooked hats”are brownish spotted and based with their stems on the wood of weakened trees. The cream-coloured black foot mushroom (Polyporus badius) is not quite as large.

You will find his funnel-shaped and lobed fruit body of willows and poplars. Also the sclerotia mushroom (Polyporus tube grid) is involved in the decomposition of wood and relocates to become already rotten trees. His kelchformiger hat”is above brownish, and the base is, however, purely white. By the way, is the case with all Polyporus. The reason is that all boletes produce white spores. A whole series of other types of Polyporus enrich the forests in Central Europe and around the world. Sick and dead wood into its components is decomposed by their activity. As a result, nutrients are the biotope attributed and new plant growth can unfold. Many types of Polyporus produce perennial Fruitbodies. Therefore, they are often wood – or korkartig in their consistency.