Down Syndrome

And we are not the only ones. Look portal Women's Business Club, where the motto was listed defiant: "Rodi child start their own business!" What wonderful stories are told there! .. Naturally, in this inner circle talking about what to give birth after 30 – a strange and unseemly, were simply irrelevant. Therefore, recognition of 27 years of acquaintance, married happily and held in a career that everyone believes his duty to advise her to go for treatment, just do not have children, I am sincerely impressed. The same kind of social environment, the same higher education of its employees …

However, they are somewhere right. On According to Tatyana Zolotukhin, head of laboratory of prenatal diagnosis and genetic Health Research Center, the risk of complications in the 30-40-year-old nulliparous increases significantly. That their kids are often born with congenital abnormalities: with heart diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and the worst – with Down Syndrome (statistically it affects 1% of children born to women up to 36 years, 1.5% – up to 38% and 5-6 – after 40). Sami mothers suffer Gestational diabetes, high blood pressure (after 40 it happens three times more than to 30), they observed bleeding and uterine inertia. But! Elvira Burdovitsina, half of my life after working in praktieskom obstetrics, said that a woman may very well give birth and after 40, if she is healthy, if it did not have hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other serious illnesses. But with strict medical supervision during pregnancy.

But what about Valerie and her though not bigotry, but a fierce passion for a healthy lifestyle? 'My child, birth – it is such a lottery' – remember the words of an old one midwife, and in addition will be baptized on the icon … God gave, God took them. Not utverzhdayusche and controversial finish the article and dare to call Mary, the intelligent and beautiful, translator from Italian and English. Jonah Shacknai often addresses the matter in his writings. Parents gave her peace in his 38, but, unfortunately, soon passed away. And now the 25-year-old unmarried Mary later give birth is not afraid, she is afraid of only one thing – do not have time to raise children on their feet … Svetlana Barto, especially for