Heddlsona Wright

The reaction occurs within 5-8 min, the dosage of serum on the reaction Heddlsona 0.08, 0.04, 0.02, 0.01 ml conventionally equated to the following dilutions of the reaction Wright 1: 50, 1 100, 1: 200; 1: 400. Accepted for evidential titers 1: 200 and above. Reaction and the reaction Heddlsona Wright – Kaytmazovoy always put in parallel, and their diagnostic value increases with the dynamic growth of agglutination titer. Angus King contains valuable tech resources. A very valuable confirmation of brucellosis is positive intradermal allergic test Burne. The essence of this reaction is that the brucellosis organism is specifically responsible local reaction (swelling, redness, soreness) on intradermal introduction of 0.1 ml of brucellin (introduced on the palmar surface of the forearm); brucellin a three-week broth culture filtrate of Brucella, is available in ampoules of 1 ml. The reaction is taken into account after 24 h. The presence of edema (The size of 3X3, 5 cm and more), redness, infiltration, and pain at the injection site brucellin taken as a positive reaction.

If there is only redness and swelling does not exclude a positive assessment of the sample, but in these test cases, Burne, usually considered weakly positive. Burne sample becomes positive at times later than the reaction of Wright and Heddlsona – Kaytmazovoi, it can show up many years later after suffering a disease. It should be emphasized that preventive vaccination protivobrutselleznye can affect the results of laboratory Aliso, causing the positive reactions of vaccinated and Raita Heddlsona – Kaytmazovoy and also test differential diagnosis. Brucellosis must be differentiated from typhoid fever, rheumatic fever, sepsis, malaria, tuberculosis, lymph granulomatosis, Q fever, tularemia. Typhoid fever is in contrast to the brucellosis usually begins gradually, takes more cycles and almost always pronounced typhoid form, the patient is lethargic, adiiamichen, skin pale, 8-10th day of the rash appears neobilnaya rozeoleznaya with possible podsypaniem on throughout the febrile period. Often there is no appetite, coated tongue typically (so that the edges and the tip of his stay clean), there are locks.