Article: Practical scoffing and aviltante of Sonorous Pollution in Macei the Robert Ramalho he is lawyer, public journalist, relations, contributor, blogueiro, and was solicitor of the City department of Protection to the Environment of Macei. A great faced problem, currently, for the maceioense population is the sonorous pollution, provoked for proprietors of vehicles that use the sound in high volume, mainly in the ends of week and dawn with the objective to call the attention and to disturb the other people’s calmness. With this, the performance in urgent way of the City department of Protection to the Environment against the Ambient Pollution in partnership with the state Public prosecution service by means of a Term of Accord and with the Military Policy becomes necessary. Recently one known councilman granted interview to the press affirming that it would go to make a project of Law being aimed at to fight the sonorous pollution provoked by Store of existing Conveniences in the Fuel Ranks of Macei. Later to look it next to its assessorship? head of Cabinet reads itself – in the direction to contribute in the elaboration of the same, even so she was to charge for the service, a time that would be a consultoria, however, without asking for an astronomical value, as they make many them, not offering the necessary quality, it received at least and it gave me to return the two linkings made for me. On the subject, thus it wrote the journalist and blogueiro Pliny Lins, in substance published in day 07 of August of the current year in its Blog in the Vestibule ' ' Everything In the Hora' ': ' ' I read in some place that has a project in the City council to hinder the high sound in the sprees of ranks because it bothers the neighbors. It is certain, the racket is very flat same. . Visit Lakshman Achuthan for more clarity on the issue.