Investment Project

The uncertainty is present in all times, in each of the levels of study of the pre-investment stage. Therefore it is necessary to specify, that as it progresses in general studies of the phase of Pre investment levels, the degree of uncertainty must gradually reduce (increases certainty), but it is evident that they are not deleted or reduced to zero ever, since there are variables that you can not predict or manage. As a counterpart to the reduction of uncertainty, we have that the s of the studies and the time spent is increasing as we deepen more in the project in the search and demonstration of its profitability. This behavior is reflected in the following chart of Figure 1. The great question if the orientation of our business idea, comes from the detection of a problem or market opportunity, and is focused on generating goods and/or services from a micro or small enterprise, is evident a question: is it necessary to complete all three levels of the stage of pre studies investment to be able to demonstrate the feasibility of our idea? The stage of general surveys (profile, pre-feasibility and feasibility) are normally the levels and logical sequence that should be followed to full justification of an investment project; However, when the project is referred to micro or small enterprises (SMEs) of productive industrial type, with use of technologies already assimilated and tested, raw materials and supplies available and next to the plant and is known or there is information of similar operating companies, the designer or Manager of the idea should focus on testing that there is market for products andin this case you must reach the pre-feasibility level. But being a new product, non-existent in the market and both not there is information of other experiences, is recommended to perform up to the level of feasibility studies, but, since the level of investment for the micro and small investor can involve the loss of all its capital investment and stay even in debt in case of recourse to a funding source, It is necessary to establish a proper balance between the information obtained, the costs involved in each study, the experience of the entrepreneur or designer, the time of validity of the information obtained and the requirements of the financial institution (if it resorts to financing).