Globalisation And Internationalization

Today 5 May many Andalusian young people will know if they comprise of the privileged group of scholarship holders of Extenda. It is his first step abrir itself to the internationalization, because thanks to these aid they knew first hand new markets, living and enjoying his culture so that the following year they return and they can support to the companies Andalusian with his knowledge. I am one of I have asked for whom it so that with the aim of exporting he is one of the steps to undertake the internationalization and to promote our region by any part of the world. For that reason from I call here to the Andalusian young people so that they cheer up and they take this opportunity and we give to a greater service of quality to our companies Globalisation and Internationalization In a globalised world where somo simple numbers in a list, is necessary to be different itself from the rest, but I do not say it only to personal level (to be different, to have own criterion, PERSONALITY) is also necessary to be different itself in the professional land. As it said to Unamuno ” well; the progress consists of renovarse” , and if we spoke of companies, that renovation tool is called INTERNATIONALIZATION, nowadays OR YOU INTERNATIONALIZE YOURSELF OR THESE YOU WOULD BE OF the MARKET. The fears are many that the new challenges to us usually raise, is something intrinsic in the human being, but we counted on the sufficient PERSONALITY and SECURITY in our project, will be nothing or nobody that stops to us. With caution and tenacity our company can be abrir to a hollow in the panorama the INTERNATIONAL, and be removed from this experience all the positive aspects that the TRADE INTERNATIONAL can offer to us. You intention to that destaqueis, you diferencieis, the life is a continuous learning and each step that we give is a experience for the future.